Corona Says : V. S. Rai


About the Poem

The poem is written on the contemporary issue of the Corona crisis and its disturbing blow to humanity. It is a delicate satire and criticism of man's demeanor and stance towards nature. It considers Covid 19 to be the offshoot of man's lopsided treatment of nature. By now, Corona doesn't need any introduction. The world has witnessed suffering from it. The pandemic has claimed lives in the tunes of several thousand in every part of the world.


The poem reflects the attitude of the poet to the world disaster brought by the pandemic. The speaker's point of view clearly rejects the blame humanity cultivate for the pandemic. He says humans are responsible for such great destruction. It did not come of its own will but was invited by people. Corona, (like other pandemics), is the result of human irrational behavior and activities that cause irreversible damage to the natural world.


The speaker has words of warning to humanity. Humans believe that they are the kings of creation and the rulers of the entire earth. They assume nature is their slaves, which they can exploit as they deem fit. This assumption is wrong.

The speaker highlights the other side of the picture too. In the just-concluded protracted lockdown period, almost all human activities came to standstill. Mother nature was given a respite. It has returned to its original hue: blue skies and a pollution-free atmosphere. This is the disguised blessing of the corona period. It is evident, if we stop misusing nature, it will calm down again to regain its glory.

The lesson is clear: the earth does not belong to only humans. It must be shared equally by all living things. The speaker asks humans to be cautious in his attitude towards nature.  Corona will return one day if we don't change our irresponsible attitudes and behavior towards nature.
Irrational human behavior will eventually move us back to prehistoric times when people lived in caves and hunt food.


Understanding the text


Answer the following questions.

a. Who is the speaker in the poem?

 Corona is the speaker in the poem.

b. Who claim that they are superior to all?


Human beings claim that they are superior to all.


c. Why has the speaker come to the Earth?


The speaker has come to the Earth because of humans' ill-treatment of nature.

d. What positive changes have occurred on Earth after the speaker's visit?

After the speaker’s (Corona) visit positive changes have taken place on the earth. The sky has regained its hue and the environment is without dust and smoke. People have felt like caged animals do in a zoo. The pandemic has allowed the earth to have a little respite.

Reference to the context

a. What does the speaker mean when he says:

But have you ever counted

How many have died so far

Because of you and your wars?


In the given lines, the speaker claims that human beings themselves are responsible for wars and loss of human lives. The destruction and suffering invited by wars is more terrible than the pandemic has done.

Wars are the result of human greed for power and resources. The people involving in wars never think of their consequences to humanity. Millions of people have lost their lives and properties because of wars in human history.

b. Explain the following:

I will depart one day.

But remember

There’re many others like me.

They’ll come too.

If you don’t get rid of your inflated ego,

You’ll be back to your cave time

That you endured

Long, long, long ago ......

In the given extract, the speaker warns mankind that the corona pandemic may be tamed now but another will attack men to bring back a new wave of death and destruction. Irresponsible and irrational human behavior might invite human extinction.

The current pandemic has engulfed every nook and corner of the world. However, science and human wisdom can come to rescue mankind from such a threat of diseases. The lesson to be learned is to live in a natural world where flora and fauna exist side by side with humanity. The wild world should be preserved to sustain the human species else the present civilization will be wiped out.

c. What does the speaker mean in the following lines? Explain.

The earth is not your property alone-

It’s as much ours as yours.

In the given lines, the speaker argues that the earth is the common habitat for all living creatures. All organisms exercise equal right to use the resources available on earth, to propagate and sustain their lives. However, human beings act in such a way as if they are the superior race and deprive the weaker creatures of their rightful share.

The speaker is worried about mounting human pressure on the natural world. Human beings have controlled and exploited the natural world for material benefit. Commercial activities have destroyed virgin nature. In the name of trade and commerce, nature is being destroyed. The sources of food and habitats of other birds and animals have been destroyed. The increasing population has mounted pressure on the forest areas that are converted into cultivable farms causing the ecosystem to extinct. Earth does not belong to only humans. It must be shared equally by all living things. Men must learn to co-exist with all living species on earth.

Reference beyond the text

a. What human behaviors are responsible for suffering in people's lives?

Irresponsible human behaviors are primarily responsible for all the troubles of the people. Due to human egos and dreadful conduct, the present world is facing a crisis. People lose their lives during this critical period like the one hard hit by the corona crisis. Men are troubled by various diseases and they have destroyed the balance in the natural world to be a fertile habitat for various viruses and bacteria.

b. How does an epidemic differ from a pandemic? Briefly explain the impact of Corona Virus on human life and environment.

An epidemic differs from a pandemic in the sense that the former affects a large population in a specific geographical location whereas the latter affects the mass population in diverse geographical area.

Coronavirus is taken as one of the haunting threats of the present millennia. It has snatched the lives of people at a very high proportion. People are frightened and live in the state of anxiety.



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