
Showing posts from February, 2021

Corona Says : V. S. Rai

  About the Poem The poem is written on the contemporary issue of the Corona crisis and its disturbing blow to humanity. It is a delicate satire and criticism of man's demeanor and stance towards nature. It considers Covid 19 to be the offshoot of man's lopsided treatment of nature. By now, Corona doesn't need any introduction. The world has witnessed suffering from it. The pandemic has claimed lives in the tunes of several thousand in every part of the world. Summary The poem reflects the attitude of the poet to the world disaster brought by the pandemic. The speaker's point of view clearly rejects the blame humanity cultivate for the pandemic. He says humans are responsible for such great destruction. It did not come of its own will but was invited by people. Corona, (like other pandemics), is the result of human irrational behavior and activities that cause irreversible damage to the natural world.   The speaker has words of warning to humanity. Humans

An Astrologer’s Day: R. K. Narayana

    Summary     The story opens with an account of an unnamed place and environment in which an astrologer consults his clients as a daily ritual. He lays out tools of his trade, a mix of cowry shells  obscure charts, a notebook, and other such curios. They serve no purpose but create an illusion of mysticism. The astrologer has also painted his forehead with sacred ash, wrapped his head in a turban, and seated himself and his gear beneath a large tree. All of these things serve to give him an air of wisdom, transcendence, and prophetic power, though the narrator is quick to point out that none of these qualities actually belong to the man. The astrologer has set up his little shop amidst a busy marketplace among people fencing stolen goods, presenting the same cheap food as a variety of gourmet delicacies, and auctioning off low-quality fabrics. The astrologer quickly established as a fraud, is in the company of other fraudsters and spin doctors sell

Two Little Soldiers: Guy de Maupassant

 Two Little Soldiers : Guy De Maupassant Summary   The story takes place in the town of Courbevoie (just on the outskirts of Paris) and is a story about two soldiers, who go out and have a good time every Sunday,   It is about a triangular love with a completely unexpected and awkward twist near the end of the story. Luc and Jean are the major characters of the story. They are soldiers and spend their free time on Sundays away from the barracks. They go outing in the countryside and the routine has become some sort of a ritual. They carry packed food and enjoy it with wine lying in the midst of woods in quiet sight that brings them the memory of home. They enjoy having an innocent look of a young village girl who chases a cow to pasture and milks it every week at the same time. One Sunday, the girl talks to them on her way to the pasture. When she returns after some time, she offers them milk. She goes home with a promise to see the soldiers the following Sunday.   Th

Civil Peace: Chinua Achebe

    Summary Jonathan Iwegbu  has survived the Nigerian Civil War (1967-70) along with his wife and three of his four children, and thus considers himself, “extraordinarily lucky” . He also treasures his still-working bicycle, which he buried during the war to ensure it would not be stolen. Another apparent miracle is his still intact home, which he repairs and reoccupies after returning home to the capital city of Enugu. To explain both his good and bad fortune to himself and others, he often repeats a phrase: “Nothing puzzles God.”   Jonathan works hard in the aftermath of the war, using his bicycle to start a taxi service and opening a bar for soldiers. His family mirrors his example, cooking food and picking fruit for sale. Since the coal mine where Jonathan worked before the war has not reopened, this resilience is crucial towards securing even their minor comfort. One day, after turning over rebel currency, Jonathan is given an aw